BIG 5.3: Teamwork and Team Leadership

Sovata, October 16, 2008: Monday night, 230 people, representing the leadership teams of many churches, from the entire Romanian evangelical specter, gathered in the heart of Romania, at Sovata, for the start of a leadership training marathon, organized by the BIG Impact Foundation in partnership with Willow Creek Association. The first stage of this marathon is the „Teamwork and Team Leadership” conference, part of a five year cycle of annual conferences organized by BIG, cycle that started last year in the same venue, with the title of „Developing a biblical philosophy for ministry.”

Since the arrival, each individual was welcomed by the reception teams, stationed in the main entrance hall of each hotel that houses the participants (Bradet and Danubius), teams that are extremely visible through the placing of advertising banners, creatively done, reflecting professionalism from the first moment, as it should be the case with such a large event.

Because of the team that worked several months, enlisting the data of each participant, the reception was a mere formality, and more of an opportunity to welcome everyone and give them the manual of the conference and the schedule.

Once someone enters the main venue, the first positive impression is given by it’s new look, marking a visible progress since the last conferences organized here, and by the immense projection screen, needed for the more than 6000 lumens projector. Expectations rise just by mere connecting with the venue.

As a new element, the materials presented in the six sessions of the conference were developed by a Curriculum Development team involving more than 30 individuals who have met several times during the last year to develop the course, based on a rigorous preparation, which included many hours of individual study, consulting an impressive bibliography, small group online interaction (Skype), etc., all these under the supervision of pastor Gelu Paul-Faina, from Vox Domini Church, Timi?oara. In the curriculum development, a special emphasis was held on using quality resources, applying the principles of experiential learning and the development of an interactive exposure, followed by practical workshops and work projects for home.

The six sessions of the conference are progressively focused on the following issues:

1.      The biblical foundation of teamwork and team leadership.

2.      The profile of the team members.

3.      Building of the team.

4.      Sharing leadership.

5.      Communication.

6.      Managing conflicts.

Each of the participants had a homework to do, before coming to the conference – going through three tests – the first one dealt with the spiritual gifts, the second one dealt with the personal tendencies in conflict and the third one (RightPath4) had to do with improving the communication inside the team, through the understanding, appreciating and adjusting to the differences among the working team or the leadership team members.

We are just before the final day and the quality of the interaction clearly shows that both the information and the way of presenting it were congruent with the attendants’ requests. We would like to remind you that, at the end of this part of the conference, the second one will follow – The Global Leadership Summit 2008. We will be back with details and insights from the attendants.

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