On May 22-25, 2008, the Women’s Department in BIG organized the national conference for women leaders in ministry. Over 500 women from Romania and Moldova attended this event. Our theme was “Intimacy with God and with Your Husband”, and the purpose of this conference was to motivate and equip Christian women to develop a healthy and deep relationship with God first and foremost, and then with their spouse.
Our special guest and speaker was Linda Dillow, a wonderful woman of God, author and co-author of many books for women, among which the well-known Creative Counterpart ( Rom. Partenera Creativa), books that are very appreciated and studied in small groups in many churches in Romania. Linda had an essential role in launching and developing women ministries throughout Eastern Europe in general and Romania in special, where she first came as a BEE missionary.
I can hardly express my joy and my satisfaction! I’m at a loss of words!
This conference has surpassed my expectations by far! It is true that we’ve worked for hundreds of hours and we poured out our hearts and our passion in this conference anticipating God to make His presence felt there, but He surprised us beyond our imagination, the way only He can do so! He was so real there, so real you could …”touch” Him!
Jesus Christ, The Lord, came closer then ever to those women who were thirsty for Him, He took their burdens away, comforted them, eased their pains and sufferings, healed their wounds, took them in His loving arms! They all left that place with a refreshed desire to know Him deeper, to love Him more passionately!
Linda Dillow, this lady who is experiencing His power and presence in a very personal and profound relationship with Him motivated us to love Him first, then serve Him. She told us about worship that includes two aspects: expressing worship, when one proclaims that He is Holy, Holy, Holy, and then living out Holy, Holy, Holy! We were taught how to bow in worship our lives, our words, our pain and suffering and our will, and that all we do can become worship!
One of those days Linda told us about intimacy with our spouse. It was a subject hardly ever dealt with here, but it turned out to be so incredibly necessary!
In the last day of the conference over 500 women celebrated Our King, Our Bridegroom, yearning in anticipation for the day we would see Him face to face. “Those were heavenly moments, literally!” – This is what hundreds of women told us.
Here are some of the testimonies of ladies present at the conference in Sovata:
“Oh, yes!!! It was far greater than I’d expected. I am home now, but I’m still on cloud nine… Linda’s challenge to first worship Him, ten serve Him was like a revelation that will stray with me forever as a life principle. I really want to become a worshiper just like my Lords wants me. I keep telling my husband every day about what happened in Sovata and I confessed to him that what happened there in only 4 days it’s going to take me 40 to describe it all, because it’s not easy to describe in few words that atmosphere of abundant grace…” (Paula)
“I saw the Father’s heart at Sovata, His love for all people; this profound understanding of His love set me free from many unnecessary bondages, I am truly liberated. I met Linda, a woman who’s been ‘transfigured’ by her passion for Christ, and she was an inspiration to me (as well as her books).
We celebrated – liberated from our chains – the presence of our Lord amongst us; we enjoyed one another in a sincere fellowship that has made us long even more for the moments when we will meet our dear Glorious Bridegroom.” (Titiana)
“Oh! I’ve come with so many expectations and I leave with a heart full of praise! Our Lord is wonderful! He has prepared this conference just for me! He has brought together different countries, different cities, so much energy… just for me!!!” (Ioana)
“I came with a thirsty soul. I needed for God to show me that He was still a God who understands me, who enjoy spending time with me, who loves holding me in His arms, who loves me unconditionally. I came thirsting for a real communion with my God, and a more profound intimacy with my husband; He satisfied my thirst, and more over, He I was given so much more than I was wishing for!!! Thank you, God, for this conference!” (Maria)
“I was challenged towards intimacy with God and I heard Him inviting me to start an adventure of knowing Him… I really want to fall in love with my King all over again, and I want to be his lover who serves Him!!” (Andreea).
Here are a few words from Lindei Dillow:
“We’ve prayed and asked God to come and spend a few special days with us here at Sovata. I am so thankful to Him for having honored us with His presence! He walked among us, and filled our hearts with a new, refreshed love for the Father. He convicted us of our unholy words and attitudes towards Him and towards our spouses. We just looked into His Word and saw the Truth, and it was Him who motivated us through the Holy Spirit to walk into a more profound obedience and love for Him.
May we all worship Him in spirit and in truth, the Only One who is WORTHY! May we bow our knees and proclaim that He is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, and then bow our lives and live out HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!”
Thank you for your prayers! Now it’s the time to come before our God with thankful hearts! Thank You, Father, for women like Linda Dillow, who has chosen to share her life with us, thank You for all those who serves us in preparing this conference, for those who served during the conference, for the worship team who’s brought us into Your presence, for the girls who’ve amazed us with the special decorations, a different one every day, based on the topic of the day.
And to The One Who sits on the throne be all Glory and Honor forever and ever!
Lidia Schiopu