The perfect place for my heart

“There where is the perfect place for my heart” is in the presence of God… and this is how the four days of the conference have been. A conference for young girls engaged in discipling other girls from their own communities, organized on September 3rd to 6th, 2009.

At this fourth edition of the National Conference for young girls within the BIG network, God has showed His glory as He did with Moses on the mountain to 130 participants. “There where is the perfect place for my heart” is the title given to this time spent at this conference, by one of the participants. It was perfect for our girl hearts, loving God and desiring to know Him better for serving Him better in love! And this was the very reason we gathered for few days, in Brasov. Each one of us invests during the year, in young girls from our church or from the campuses we study at. And what such an encouraging environment is when these girls with the same passion are gathering together to know better the One we serve and learn from Him about discipling others!

The guest speaker from the evening seminars was Connie Patty – together with her family, doing missions for 16 years in Czech Republic. She reminded us about the importance of intimacy with Christ. The mornings were focused on discipleship with parallel seminars according with the level of experience participants had. These seminars were taught entirely by a team of 10 Romanian young girls.

God met us every one in a challenging personal and loving way! We understood the He loves us more than we can give Him back (nevertheless all good comes from Him). He desires that our service to flow over from the abundance of our passionate and loving hearts! As He delights us with His beauty and while we taste and see His goodness, what the world has to offer seems to be insignificant.

We praise God for these few blessed days we spent together. Each one of us left home transformed. And that is because meeting Him, you will never be the same. God’s be the glory!


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