Training for the development of business people small groups

On November 26, 2008, 5-9 PM, in Cluj Napoca, str. Calea Turzii nr.11 („Teofania” Baptist Church, contact – Marcel Salahoru, 0744-600224), and on November 27, 2008, 5-9 PM, in Arad (venue not determined yet), there will take place a meeting for orientation and for the starting of several business people small groups (specially Christians, but this could be also used as an outreach tool).

The training will be done by Jonathan Shaw, vice-president of FCCI, a Christian Leader whose passion is the development of businessmen small groups for fellowship and support; his personal conviction is that every business could and has to be a mission field.

For the meeting we invited people from the business environment (especially business owners, politicians and professional people) whose heart was already moved by God towards developing business people small groups. The purpose of the meeting is, first of all, the orientation and training of those already motivated towards this, rather than to motivate those who are not yet preoccupied by something like this. The ideal would be for 2-3 people to come together, so that they could form the nucleus for such a group. At the meeting there will be specific materials suggested for usage in these small groups.

For additional information, and for registration, please contact:

Titus P??tean – for Arad (, 0726-237.131, 0744-604.094, 0788-183.147)
Mitra? Duda? – for Cluj (, 0722-353005)

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