About BIG

BIG Impact stands for Churches with Global Impact. BIG came into being as an interdenominational network of Evangelical Christian leaders committed to create learning environments for shaping the vision, facilitating the development of local leaders with global impact, and helping them design solutions for the leadership crisis Evangelical Church is facing in Post Communist Romania.

We are a group of leaders who see the need for reformation and relevance among the Romanian Evangelical Churches. We gathered around a set of biblical values and practices, and are serving together both locally, and nationally.

Our Core Values and Practices Are:

  • Purpose Driven Life and Ministry
  • Lifestyle Discipleship
  • Teamwork and Team Leadership
  • Biblical Growth Management
  • Local Churches with Global Impact Development.

Our mission is to create inductive, interactive, experiential, and holistic learning environments for the development of evangelical leaders with global impact.

Several of us got involved in this process in the mid 90s, by developing local and regional training centers with a growing national impact.

Although each one of us has his and hers own personal ministry story and experience, we believe God brought us together to have a greater impact on the present and future generations of Evangelical Christian leaders, so that, in turn, they will impact their local churches, and significantly influence our society and culture.

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