The True Power of Multiplication

The relaunching of Awana ministry at a national level reached a new stage. Ben Paul, the Awana misionary who’s parents have served in Awana since ‘93, will introduce us to the heart and the latest news of this ministry:

Growing up as a missionary kid, I understood the need of salvation for all the Romanian children and youth and by the 12th grade God has called me to be an Awana missionary. Now, more than ever, we understand this need and focus our energy and resources to reach and train children and youth to come to know, love and serve Jesus Christ.

By God’s grace we have implemented a new strategy that helps us reach more boys and girls for Christ called Leader Based Strategy. With this new program we are being able to train leaders of leaders (multipliers) thus multiplying the results. Therefore we have tripled the number of clubs in the last six months. Now over 43 churches use Awana as a tool to reach and disciple  boys and girls throughout Romania.

On our visit with Iosif Moldovan, a high-school multiplier, that lives in the central part of Romania, shared with us that the Saturday before, he and two other multipliers had the opportunity to present Awana at a regional meeting to more than 50 participants from about eight churches. The participants were greatly encouraged by the new program and they wanted to start Awana in their churches immediately.

We are grateful for people like Iosif: people with vision and passion to teach and encourage others to reach and train children to come to know, love and serve Jesus Christ.

Step by step we are moving forward. In the last month we’ve had several follow-up meetings with the leaders and multipliers from different places in Romania. We praise the Lord for so many devoted leaders that love God and work hard in reaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For example, in a small town called Tecuci, with the help of the Awana program, they’ve grown the ministry from 6 children to over 38 boys and girls.

Pray that God will continue His wonderful work here in Romania, and many other boys and girls will be reached with the Gospel. Pray for a strong team of leaders that will train more churches to use Awana as a tool of evangelism and discipleship.

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